Some of the little things that make you secretly unhappy

Some people lack joy for no good reason. Unhappiness can pop up in different, hidden, unsuspecting forms.

Here are some reasons you may be unhappy, and suggestions on how to combat them:


When you expect things to always go your way

Constantly reacting negatively to the things that are unfair can make you to explode. If you’re expecting the world to be fair with you, just because you’re fair, then you’re deceiving yourself. Your idea of perfection may differ from that of others. The sooner you realise this, the happier you will be.

When you compare yourself to others

This is what happens when you scrutinize a little part of another person’s life, and then beat yourself for having little or less. This behaviour will only create a feeling of dissatisfaction or discontentment in your life. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others, why don’t you make an inward comparison, to see if you’re a better person than you were yesterday.

You worry too much

Worry create nothing but great disorder. It doesn’t create action, but instead, it makes you unable to think clearly, and takes you nowhere. I think it is better to channel your energy and mental prowess towards changing the things you can control, and accepting the rest.


You have no true friends

It’s not about having a thousand friends. It’s all about having someone who will stand by your side in good and bad times. Life is about connecting with people. But trust me, it is better to have a few good friends, than having a bunch of traitors/backstabbers. Build strong friendships with people who are willing to support you.

When you’re lonely

One of the worst feeling is that of loneliness. Being lonely and being alone are two different things. Sometimes, it is good to be alone. This enables us to meditate and reflect, as regards the things we have, and also the things we need. But when you feel lonely, it is like you’re unloved, and no one cares about you. If you find yourself lonely or depressed, make an effort to find new friends, who’re willing to spend some time with you. We’re naturally social creatures, so don’t fail to build great relationships with others.

When you’re too materialistic

Acquiring material things is not a bad thing, though it is not a guarantee to happiness. The goal is to live a valuable life. You will find more fulfilment that way, than materialism could ever bring.

You’re insecure

If you’re too insecure to move out from the familiar, you might never experience the joy that comes with conquering your fear, and exploring the unknown. Be confident, and don’t be afraid to voice out your thoughts/opinions.

When you’re dependent

Most people view ‘independency‘ as one of the greatest marks of adulthood. I know it kind of sucks when you’re thirty and still a responsibility to your parents. But don’t be too hard on yourself. You will find your footing one day.

You hate your job

It is hard to keep a happy/positive countenance or attitude, when you hate your job. Most people find their job unfulfilling, based on one reason or another. I think people should work towards their passion, and not just a paycheck.

You don’t love yourself

It is difficult to find happiness when you don’t love yourself. Self-hate is one of the worst things ever. Stop beating yourself up due to your mistakes or flaws, and learn to love yourself.

Never learns

This is when you chose to continue with the same pattern of self-destruct, rather than learning from your past mistakes. Your mistakes do serve a purpose. No matter how devastating it is, it is important to learn from them.

You care too much about what others think

You can’t please everyone. Once you realise this, you will see how better your life will become. Break free today, of that people-pleasing mentality, and start living your own life.

You think you’re a failure

You have heard people say:

I am sick and tired. I can’t seem to get anything right. I keep trying, but keep failing.


Well, keep on trying. Don’t stop. One day you will get it right. All your effort will pay off one day. Just believe in yourself.


You’re afraid of aging/old-age

I know this may sound absurd, but a lot of people seem to detest “aging.” This is what happens when you’re so much into your looks, or when you feel you aren’t prepared for retirement. Clocking thirty may feel like hell to a narcissist. But hey, instead of worrying about your sagging looks, why don’t you focus on spreading the love that resides in your heart. Regarding retirement, I think it is best to worry less.


When you haven’t discover your purpose

I know you might be thinking being wealthy, influential, famous, or making a positive impact on the world sounds fulfilling. But you may realize after achieving all these things, you are still feeling INCOMPLETE and UNHAPPY.

You’re feeling this way, probably because in the process of fulfilling your LIFE PURPOSE, you have had to sacrifice some things, like:

  • Spending time with your family ily
  • Dating
  • Vacation
  • Going on outings with your friends

Finding a purpose doesn’t require you to ‘Tnimk.‘ It requires that you ‘Act‘. It is good to try new things. Don’t be afraid to step into the unknown.

89 Replies to “Some of the little things that make you secretly unhappy”

  1. Don’t have any children ourselves but frequently eat out with friends’ kids. In France, children are pretty well-behaved at the table, eat what they’re given, don’t get down from the table until they’re allowed to and are generally a pleasure to be out with.

    Liked by 8 people

  2. It’s funny that social media alone can be reason for all these little things, and it’s does this to most of us everyday.

    Powerful post.
    I loved the ageing part, most people are in denial of this fact

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Excellent points, and concisely shared. I found myself nodding and agreeing. I would suggest that such thoughtful posts have fewer points by separating them into two or if necessary three posts. I have found in speeches that when I have too many points, though all are valid, that some of them are lost or forgotten by the audience. Another way to help an audience remember valuable points is using acronyms with each letter standing for a point i.e. scuba – self contained underwater breathing apparatus.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Wow!
      Great suggestions.
      People do tend to forget.
      You’re totally right about separating the points into two or more posts.
      I’m always open to new suggestions, so I will keep this in mind.
      Thank you so much for your contribution.
      Stay blessed.🙏❤

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Bonjour mon ami amie

    En ce jour et ces jours de printemps je viens te saluer
    C’est le plus beau jour ou tout renaît
    Les arbres vont fleurir , la nature vas prendre de la splendeur

    Dommage il faudra attendre pour en profiter

    Aujourd’hui le plus gros handicap la peur
    Mais pensons que
    La plus belle chose et l’amour
    Je te souhaite une belle fin de journée ou de nuit ainsi
    Qu’un agréable weekend
    Bisou Amical Bernard
    Que le réconfort de ses amis amies et
    Sur cet air de printemps

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I know a lot about comparing ourselves to others and what that does to a person because I’ve engaged in comparison more times than I can count. It’s important to understand that there is a huge difference in outcomes between seeing other people’s success and using that to beat yourself up because you’re not where they are.

    Liked by 4 people

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    Liked by 3 people

  7. Yes agree with these. Purpose is a big one I find. Today skipped blogging and just loafed around after morning workout was finished. I enjoy blogging cause I enjoy researching health and wellness and sharing my findings. One surprising thing that might make a person unhappy?? A porn habit surprisingly. This was a post a researched last week and findings shocked me. Indeed, another little thing people do with little thought on impacts on their long term happiness or wellness. Post is here:


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    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can relate to that “no true friend” thing…. Now a days, we don’t find any true friends at all…. The only true friend that I have got are my books!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. A lot of good stuff here. Thinking you’re a failure or not good enough is exactly the negative thinking/emotions that puts off doing what we need to prove we are in fact the opposite! Understanding these negative emotions and the reasons for them is important so you can do what’s needed in spite of them. I’d add that often we forget that we can change our perspective about the jobs we hate to do – by being grateful for what it does give you. Of course making sure you align your passion with your career is ideal it’s not alway possible – especially at this moment in time. Sometimes all thats needed is a change in your perspective. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Happiness .. unhappiness are all part of life…’s all natural….the thing in our control is for how long I chose a particular emotion to effect me…
    Nice write up..

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Such a very mind-pondering post! The thoughts here really coincides with what we are feeling at times. We just need to enjoy life while living and just do the things that will make us happy by loving ourselves and other people as well.

    Liked by 1 person

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