How to Find the Hidden Beauty in Everything

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it” Confucius

There is an unbelievable amount of beauty in our everyday lives, and the things around us, even in stuff you probably wouldn’t give a second glance.

You know what the sculptor says:

“The rock already has abundant beauty in it; I just take off the extras to bring out its existing beauty.”

We can’t live without “things.” So, why not look at them, and see what you can “see.” You may get inspired by them. Some people are likely to have a great love for objects. They do this for a number of reasons, such as for art, history, humour, poetry, music, etc.

It is a great thing to fall in love all the time, with all of these amazing things, that have been created by nature, and by people. The things we see as ordinary, may appear extraordinary, when we pay attention to them. Truth be told, these things are so much a part of making life worthwhile.

There is beauty and goodness everywhere you go, in every face you see. Beauty is not only in the stars, in moments of victory, or in a breathtaking garden. The crack in a wall has beauty, a broken vase has beauty. Even with the heartache and tragedy, you are able to love through it all.

Be happy and thankful for the beauty around you. This beauty might be in the sky, in the leaves, even in the things right in front of you. You can decide to take pictures of them, and share what you see with other people.

Beauty can be found even in what is often considered “ugly”. Every part of the world is filled with wonder. How could you not fall in love? How could you not take delight in them? When you fall in love with a vase, a musical instrument, or a rocking chair, you are actually falling in love with connecting to something; appreciating something that exists in the world, and being thankful for it.

This also apply to our lives. When you express great love for who you are, and immense gratitude for the things you have, a new form of beauty will unfold before your eyes. This beauty is known as the “hidden beauty.”

There is what is called “Perspective Eye.” This refers to the way you think about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are, or by your experiences. Your mind could be in need of a “facelift.” The mental image you have of yourself, is very important. Just like the sculptor did, chip away those negative thoughts from your life, and let your existing beauty be revealed.

How you perceive yourself is capable of affecting almost every area of your life. Take control of your thoughts, so as to improve your perception of the world, because you can not see outside of you, what you fail to see inside. Learn to accept and love who you are. Get rid of the feeling of inadequacy or unworthiness. Say no to “self-hatred,” because hate can not see the beauty which love sees everywhere.

I don’t know if you are able to see the beauty in your world, but I want you to know it is there, somewhere, and it is ever-present. You are an incredible person. You may not see it, feel it, or believe it, but you are incredible. All you need to do is look into yourself, and search for the existing beauty, which the world is hungry for.

47 Replies to “How to Find the Hidden Beauty in Everything”

      1. I have to constantly reframe my thoughts along these lines unless the beauty and love of Shakti is flowing through my body heart and mind, which it does from time to time. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

        Liked by 4 people

  1. “The rock already has abundant beauty in it; I just take off the extras to bring out its existing beauty.”

    Beautiful lines…

    Liked by 4 people

  2. “Just like the sculptor did, chip away those negative thoughts from your life, and let your existing beauty be revealed.” Yes! Like chaff, blown off wheat, in the wind. The snake, its skin shedded. The snake, its skin not missed.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m loving this! As someone who has been criticized for taking random photos of small or odd things, I can relate to this! I find beauty in small things but have found that only when I use it as part of my creative process do others see why I was attracted to it! There’s people who see the beauty in things and others who need to have it shown to them! That’s the job of artists, writers and other creatives! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “There’s people who see the beauty in things and others who need to have it shown to them! That’s the job of artists, writers and other creatives.”
      I absolutely love the above words. ❤
      Very true.
      There are those who need to have it shown to them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Juicy content!! Inner beauty, beauty beyond; you just have to show it. We are beautiful just the way we are! I loved it, so pure👌 thanks for sharing. Cheers to more amazing post from you👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “So often beauty is found in the things we take for granted.”
      I love the above words. So true.
      You’re welcome, Laura, and thanks for reading. 🙂❤
      I love the above words. So true.


  5. One of my favorite small-scale sources of beauty is steam. It’s like a tiny mist that appears every time I boil some water. I don’t remember the exact age I was when I discovered I could see individual droplets swirling here and there, but now I can never stop seeing them. Even on tiring days, it still feels magical.

    Liked by 1 person

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